Our planet is not in a healthy state. It is clear that the way we cannot carry on living the same way as we have for the last few hundred years. All over the world a shift is already happening in response to this situation, and is being led by the actions of many individuals and communities at a grassroots level, as well as those of governments and global organisations. We believe that the solutions to these challenges are simple, and that the biggest impediment to successfully implementing these solutions on a big enough scale, is the global economic system.
Whilst politicians debate about carbon targets and look to scientists and corporations to come up with mega-solutions to our ecological challenges, many people in both rural and urban communities have just been getting on with things by planting trees, implementing regenerative agricultural and agro-forestry systems such as Permaculture, or Analog forestry, and re-learning how to live in balance and harmony with the nature that supports them.
It is not always easy. Bringing degraded soils to life, growing trees, and restoring the balance of hydrological cycles takes time and initially requires hard work. Often there are major challenges such as lack of adequate rainfall and irrigation, lack of funding, or resistance from local people and farmers who do not recognise the value of planting trees.
We support these small scale projects by facilitating access to knowledge, funds, and other networks of support.
We look for projects with strong leadership by people who are passionate and dedicated to working as positive agents for the restoration of biodiversity and soil health. Our projects are led by those who follow their hearts, who recognise that human beings are part of nature and not separate from it, and who have their feet firmly on the ground.
We recognise that cultural and natural diversity go hand in hand. We value the knowledge and wisdom of those cultures that live in balance and harmony with nature, and where possible support these cultures in upholding their rights and traditions.
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