I recently had the pleasure to meet Dee Kyne, who is about to embark on a two year walk to raise awareness about Earth Law, and specifically to gain support for the law to end Ecocide.

Making ecocide a crime sits at the heart of an emerging body of law called Earth Law.  Earth law puts people and planet first and ensures the well being of the whole Earth community. Earth Law recognises that the Earth is the source of laws, which govern life. It recognises that the Earth has natural limits and boundaries and laws, which we must comply with, for the well-being of the whole Earth Community and future generations.  (Dee Kyne)

earthrightswalker is the name Dee has chosen for a movement that is not just about her walk, but is an invitation to anyone who resonates with the idea to become Earth Rights Walkers themselves. Anybody can participate in the movement in anyway which feels good and right and easy for them.

Imagine millions of people around the world walking with the conscious intention to respect and uphold the rights of the earth. For me the idea also includes a broader interpretation of the word “walking”, to include an awareness of how you are choosing to “walk through life” on the surface of this planet.

The movement feels very aligned with Earthlife, and when I met Dee we could feel all sorts of potential for mutual support and collaboration.

I look forward to walking with Dee when she is in Portugal in June. If you feel inspired to join her, host her, help out or participate in any way, get in touch with the earthrightswalker team here.





http://www.endecocide.eu/  Here you can sign the European Citizens Initiative to bring in the law against Ecocide in Europe

